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TIMEleSS Multigrain Wiki

TIMEleSS: Phase TransformatIons, MicrostructurEs, and their Seismic Signals from the Earth's mantle Welcome to the TIMEleSS Multigrain wiki. This page is part of the ANR-DFG TIMEleSS Project, a joint French-German research project between the Université de Lille, the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, and the Deutsche GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam. You can check the TIMEleSS homepage for details on the project and its members.

TIMEleSS includes data collection using multigrain crystallography in the diamond anvil cell. Such x-ray diffraction data are difficult to understand and process. The current page is intended for the TIMEleSS members to write a manual and share experiences during their data processing. The manual is private at the moment (although it is visible to anyone who knows where it is). It will become fully public once it is more mature.

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start.1529764012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:11 (external edit)