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Evaluation of the background (Image Math)

What does the program do?

Image Math is a tool to calculate the average and the median of all the diffractograms.

Working with Image Math

From the command line in the folder with the .edf files type image_math_petra [stem name] [first file] [last file] [operation]


image_math_petra fcc_1_ 0 111 median

The program will create three new files, which are named the same as your previous .edf images, just with an 'm' in the middle.

fcc_1_m10000.edf (average)

fcc_1_m20000.edf (median)

fcc_1_m30000.edf (some other more sophisticated median)

We proceed with the “normal” median (file no. 2). In Fabian go to Image, then to Correction, then to Background Correction and load the median file (in this example fcc_1_m20000.edf)

software/imagemath.1529762802.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:11 (external edit)