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## Instrumental, looks like P02 in PETRA 
wavelength 0.289 	       					# wavelength in Angstrom
#beam_width 1							# Beam width (mm)	If no beam width is specified it is assumed that the entire sample  width is illuminated
beamflux 1e17 							# Beam flux (Ph/s/mm2)
beampol_factor  1   						 # Polarisation factor
beampol_direct  0   						 # Polarisation direction
dety_center 1024 						# beamcenter, y in pixel coordinates
detz_center 1024 						# beamcenter, z in pixel coordinates
y_size  0.2000          					# Pixel size y (mm)
z_size  0.2000           					# Pixel size z (mm)
dety_size   2048						# detector y size (pixels)
detz_size   2048						# detector z size (pixels)
distance    400							# sample-detector distance (mm)
tilt_x 0.0     							# detector tilt counterclockwise around laboratory x axis (beam direction) in radians
tilt_y 0.0							# detector tilt counterclockwise around laboratory y axis in radians
tilt_z 0.0  							# detector tilt counterclockwise around laboratory z axis (same as omega axis) in radians
o11  1              						# PerkinElmer detector orientation
o12  0              						#
o21  0              						#
o22 -1              						#
theta_min  2         						# Minimum theta angle for reflection generation
theta_max  10      						# Maximum theta angle for reflection generation
#spatial 'spatial2k.spline'         				# Add spatial distortion of frelon4m detector
omega_start -28.0						# Minimum Omega in range of interest (in deg)
omega_end 28.0 							# Maximum Omega in range of interest (in deg)
omega_step 0.5 							# Omega step size (in deg)
omega_sign 1           						# Sign of omega rotation (cw = +1, ccw = -1)

### Grains
no_grains 10 							# Total number of grains summed over all phases to be simulated. This number needs to match the number of e.g. U_grains_X keywords
gen_U 1                   					# Generate orientations   #gen_U flag [0= do not, or 1= do]
gen_pos 1 1							# gen_pos flag1 [0= do not, or 1= do] flag2 [0= all at (0,0,0), 1= generate randomly within box or cylinder]
# sample_cyl 0.01 0.045                   			# Cylindrical sample shape     #sample_cyl diameter height (dimensions given in mm)
sample_xyz 0.010 0.010 0.010               			# Box shaped sample            #sample_xyz x_dimension y_dimension z_dimension (all in mm)

gen_eps 0 0.0 0.003 0.0 0.0003	 				# Generate random diagonal strain tensors #gen_eps flag [0= do not, or 1= do] mean-value-for-diagonal-elemets-of-strain-tensor spread-for- diagonal-elements-of-strain-tensor mean-value-for-offdiagonal-elemets-of-strain-tensor spread-for-offdiagonal-elements-of-strain-tensor
gen_size 1 0.001 0.0005 0.0015        				# gen_size flag [0= do not, or 1= do] median-grain-size-of-distribution [mm] minimum-grain-size [mm] maximum-grain-size [mm]

# Examples for more complex input
#U_grains_0 -0.888246 0.411253 -0.204671 -0.201101 -0.748709 -0.631659 -0.413011 -0.519909 0.747741     # U_grains__X_ U11 U12 U13 U21 U22 U23 U31 U32 U33 (X is an integer number)
#pos_grains_0 0.0 0 0						#pos_grains__X_ x y z [mm] (X is an integer number)
#eps_grains 0.00 0.00 0.0 0 0 0					# strain tensor eps_grains__X_ eps11 eps12 eps13 eps22 eps23 eps33 (X is an integer number)
#size_grains 0.004

### Structural parameters
unit_cell  2.4457 7.984 6.07 90.0 90.0 90.0			#unit_cell a [Å] b [Å] c [Å] alpha [°] beta [°] gamma [°] , Y being the phase number id
sgno 63             						#space group number
# OR
# sgname_phase_0 'Cmcm'         				#remember to put quotation marks around the string if more phases  then have the keywords unit_cell_phase_1, sgno_phase_1 etc.
# OR
# structure_phase_0 'glycine.cif'				#

### Files
direc 'pPv-10grains' 						#Directory to save output from PolyXSim If the specified directory does not exist it will be created.
stem 'pPv-10grains' 						#The base of all out put files

output '.edf' '.par' '.gve' '.ini' '.ubi' '.flt'  
# possible: '.edf' and '.tif' for image types
#'.edf' or '.tif' - presently the two supported diffraction image formats
#'.ref' - reflection files (one per grain) having all the information about the reflections.
#'.flt' - a peak file of the same format as output by ImageD11 peaksearch and can be loaded in ImageD11_gui
#'.gve' - a g-vector file. Where the peaks are transformed into scattering vectors (g-vectors). This file can be used for indexing in either GrainSpotter or ImageD11- index
#'.ini' - an input file for indexing with GrainSpotter using the .gve file is written. It will then be possible to try the GrainSpotter indexing program imidiately.
#'.ubi' - grain orientations as inv(U*B)
#'.par' - the input parameters for PolyXSim written in the par format of ImageD11

### Images
make_image 1
bg 0                						# Add 10 counts to background
noise 0               						#noise flag [0= no noise, 1= add Poisson noise]
#psf 2                 						# Add Gaussian detector point spread with a FWHM of 2 pixel
peakshape 3 0.002 0.005 0.005     					# Make the gaussian peak, peak FWHM 0.02 deg in 2theta, 0.5deg in eta(deformed) and 0.5 deg in omega
#intensity_const 100
fileformat/inp/basic.1529766118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:11 (external edit)