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software:maud [2019/02/15 15:34]
smerkel created
software:maud [2019/05/09 10:28] (current)
matthias [How to import diffraction images into Maud]
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 Maud is an a Rietveld extended program to perform the combined analysis. It can be used to fit diffraction,​ fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons. Maud is an a Rietveld extended program to perform the combined analysis. It can be used to fit diffraction,​ fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons.
 +{{ :​software:​maud2.jpg?​400 |}}
 List of MAUD features, as copied from the [[http://​​|MAUD homepage]] List of MAUD features, as copied from the [[http://​​|MAUD homepage]]
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   *     Many other features...look at the Maud in action page.   *     Many other features...look at the Maud in action page.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +===== How to import diffraction images into Maud =====
 +Maud uses //.esg// file format. To convert your //.tif// diffraction image, you can either use [[software:​fit2d|Fit2D]] or (in case you are not familiar with Fit2D) a plugin in Maud.
 +=== Fit2D ===
 +=== Maud plugin ===
 +  - Convert your diffraction image to //.tif// format (if it isn't already). The [[software:​timelesstools|TIMEleSS tools]] may be helpful for this.
 +  - Open Maud.
 +  - Click on //​DataFileSet_X//,​ then the eye, then the //​Datafiles//​ tab, then //From images//. A new window called //Area image// should open.
 +  - Click //File// and //Open//. Choose the diffraction image you want to refine (the one you converted to //.tif// earlier). A black window should appear (sometimes you can see some faint spots but usually it's pitch black).
 +  - Open the properties window by clicking on //Image// and //​Properties//​. Change the unit to //mm// and the pixel dimensions to the right size (for example 0.2 mm for P02.2 and 0.079 mm for ID27, respectively). Press //Ok//.
 +  - Click //​Plugins//,​ then //Maud Plugins// and then //​Multi-Spectra from normal transmission/​reflection image//. A new parameter window opens.
 +  - Type in your //​sample-detector distance// and beam center (//Center X// and //Center Y//) from your calibration. Put the //Tracker circle radius// to a 2θ value which is still completely visible on your diffraction images (usually 20° is fine). Put the //Final angle// to 360° and the //Number of spectra// to 72. Leave the other values default.
 +  - Click //Update//. This should move a red circle in your black screen to the center. If it has moved but not to the center you might have a type in the values entered above.
 +  - Click //Ok//. A save window should open. Save the image. Make sure it gets the ending //.esg//.
 +  - Close the //Area image// window. Don't save changes.
software/maud.1550244893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/18 10:11 (external edit)