Parsed simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff, found 10 grains Parsed stishovite_10grain2.log, found 10 grains Misorientation below which the two grains are considered identical, in degrees: 2.0 Check for doubles in simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff Found 0 grains indexed twice New number of grains: 10 Check for doubles in stishovite_10grain2.log Found 0 grains indexed twice New number of grains: 10 Trying to match grains between the 2 collections... - Grain Grain-1 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-1 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.00° - Grain Grain-9 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-2 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.01° - Grain Grain-6 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-3 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.01° - Grain Grain-7 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-4 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.00° - Grain Grain-10 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-5 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.00° - Grain Grain-4 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-6 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.00° - Grain Grain-8 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-7 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.01° - Grain Grain-2 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-8 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.00° - Grain Grain-5 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-9 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.00° - Grain Grain-3 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches Grain-1 of stishovite_10grain2.log with a misorientation of 0.01° End of run N. of grains in simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff: 10 N. of unique grains in simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff: 10 N. of grains in stishovite_10grain2.log: 10 N. of unique grains in stishovite_10grain2.log: 10 N. of unique grains found in both simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff and stishovite_10grain2.log: 10 N. of unique grains found only in stishovite_10grain2.log: 0 N. of unique grains found in simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff but not in stishovite_10grain2.log: 0 Indexing capability - 100.0 pc of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff grains indexed - 0.0 pc of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff grains not indexed - 100.0 pc of erroneous grains in stishovite_10grain2.log