Grain Grain-1 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-1 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.00° U grain 1: [[ 0.84428603 -0.53130987 0.06993509] [ 0.52241168 0.84509578 0.11357452] [-0.11944511 -0.05935447 0.99106504]] U grain 2: [[-0.84427984 -0.53132165 -0.06992035] [-0.5224237 0.84508761 -0.11357995] [ 0.1194363 -0.05936521 -0.99106546]] Grain Grain-9 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-2 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.01° U grain 1: [[ 0.26836198 -0.02442958 0.96300833] [ 0.59200225 0.79281049 -0.14486154] [-0.7599442 0.60897843 0.22722256]] U grain 2: [[-0.02450831 -0.26834822 0.96301016] [ 0.79286191 -0.59195492 -0.14477349] [ 0.60890831 0.75998593 0.2272709 ]] Grain Grain-6 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-3 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.01° U grain 1: [[ 0.87032815 -0.43600491 0.22897298] [ 0.21600378 0.75580164 0.61814743] [-0.44257347 -0.48853208 0.75197415]] U grain 2: [[ 0.87029159 -0.43602638 0.22907103] [ 0.21597536 0.75582123 0.61813341] [-0.44265922 -0.48848262 0.75195581]] Grain Grain-7 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-4 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.00° U grain 1: [[ 0.85942561 -0.29635596 -0.41660625] [ 0.37240143 0.92117269 0.11295154] [ 0.35029244 -0.25221821 0.90204278]] U grain 2: [[ 0.85941915 -0.29638961 -0.41659563] [ 0.37242514 0.92116601 0.11292789] [ 0.35028308 -0.25220308 0.90205065]] Grain Grain-10 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-5 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.00° U grain 1: [[ 0.75217439 -0.51560837 0.41034339] [ 0.37985346 0.84809938 0.36937622] [-0.53846545 -0.12196497 0.83377426]] U grain 2: [[-0.75218259 -0.51558728 -0.41035486] [-0.37984956 0.8481158 -0.36934251] [ 0.53845674 -0.12193989 -0.83378354]] Grain Grain-4 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-6 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.00° U grain 1: [[ 0.84246981 0.53789626 0.03020303] [-0.37369209 0.54306575 0.75195333] [ 0.38807066 -0.64478462 0.65852408]] U grain 2: [[ 0.84245058 0.53793052 0.03012947] [-0.37366882 0.54308428 0.75195151] [ 0.38813482 -0.64474043 0.65852953]] Grain Grain-8 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-7 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.01° U grain 1: [[ 0.41329732 -0.07547878 -0.90746255] [-0.57309925 0.75287308 -0.32363465] [ 0.70763167 0.65382344 0.26790359]] U grain 2: [[-0.41329408 0.07561626 -0.90745258] [ 0.57310093 -0.75282355 -0.32374686] [-0.7076322 -0.65386458 0.26780177]] Grain Grain-2 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-8 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.00° U grain 1: [[ 0.82993131 0.37070495 -0.41688352] [-0.53614477 0.32352886 -0.77966523] [-0.15415191 0.8705785 0.46725825]] U grain 2: [[ 0.82995006 0.37074588 -0.41680978] [-0.53609973 0.32354912 -0.77968779] [-0.1542076 0.87055353 0.46728638]] Grain Grain-5 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-9 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.00° U grain 1: [[ 0.47442405 -0.4283088 -0.76907307] [-0.34320405 0.71452401 -0.6096445 ] [ 0.81063728 0.55317901 0.19199006]] U grain 2: [[-0.4282906 -0.47442936 -0.76907993] [ 0.71454169 0.34319506 -0.60962884] [ 0.55317026 -0.81063798 0.19201234]] Grain Grain-3 of simu_stishovite_10grain2.gff matches grain Grain-1 of stishovite_10grain2.log misorientation: 0.01° U grain 1: [[ 0.54466819 -0.19783409 -0.81498358] [-0.15907857 0.92976458 -0.33201181] [ 0.82342612 0.31048269 0.47494202]] U grain 2: [[ 0.54458151 -0.19781179 -0.81504692] [-0.1591014 0.92977837 -0.33196224] [ 0.82347904 0.31045561 0.47486797]]