Peaksearch is a peak searching algorithm, part of ImageD11. It can be started by typing
in a terminal.
Peaksearch is used when searching for peaks on the diffraction images.
More details on peaksearch can be found in the ImageD11 user manual. -h Usage: [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -n STEM, --namestem=STEM Name of the files up the digits part eg mydata in mydata0000.edf -F FORMAT, --format=FORMAT Image File format, eg edf or bruker -f FIRST, --first=FIRST Number of first file to process, default=0 -l LAST, --last=LAST Number of last file to process -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE Output filename, default=peaks.spt -d DARK, --darkfile=DARK Dark current filename, to be subtracted, default=None -D DARKOFFSET, --darkfileoffset=DARKOFFSET Constant to subtract from dark to avoid overflows, default=0 -s SPLINE, --splinefile=SPLINE Spline file for spatial distortion, default=/data/opid11/inhouse/Frelon2K/spatial2k.spline -p PERFECT, --perfect_images=PERFECT Ignore spline Y|N, default=N -O FLOOD, --flood=FLOOD Flood file, default=None -t THRESHOLDS, --threshold=THRESHOLDS Threshold level, you can have several --OmegaFromHeader Read Omega values from headers [default] --OmegaOverRide Override Omega values from headers --singleThread Do single threaded processing --profile=PROFILE_FILE Write profiling information (you will want singleThread too) -S OMEGASTEP, --step=OMEGASTEP Step size in Omega when you have no header info -T OMEGA, --start=OMEGA Start position in Omega when you have no header info -k KILLFILE, --killfile=KILLFILE Name of file to create stop the peaksearcher running --ndigits=NDIGITS Number of digits in file numbering [4] -P PADDING, --padding=PADDING Is the image number to padded Y|N, e.g. should 1 be 0001 or just 1 in image name, default=Y -m, --median1D Computes the 1D median, writes it to file .bkm and subtracts it from image. For liquid background on radially transformed images --monitorcol=MONITORCOL Header value for incident beam intensity --monitorval=MONITORVAL Incident beam intensity value to normalise to --omega_motor=OMEGAMOTOR Header value to use for rotation motor position [Omega] --omega_motor_step=OMEGAMOTORSTEP Header value to use for rotation width [OmegaStep] --interlaced Interlaced DCT scan