Extract the peaks for a given grain

This tool is useful if you want to see which peak is assigned to grains or a given grain.

You can use it once you have run an indexing. The input files are

If you run the code without the saveall option, it will save all peaks that were assigned to a grain (any grain) into the output file you defined.

If you run the code with the saveall option, it will save all peaks that were assigned to a grain (any grain) into the output file you defined, as well as a separate file for each grain in the indexing file and name them as newFLT-GrainXXX.flt, where newFLT is what you defined for output.

You can then overlay the diffraction data with the peaks that were assign (either to all or to a single grain) using Fabian.


timelessSaveFLTGrains -h

usage: timelessSaveFLTGrains GSFile.log oldFLT.flt newFLT.flt

Creates a new list of peaks in FLT format, including only peaks which have
already been assigned to grains by GrainSpotter This is part of the TIMEleSS
project http://timeless.texture.rocks

positional arguments:
  gsfile                Name of GrainSpotter output file (required)
  oldFLT                FLT file used to generate g-vectors for indexing
  newFLT                Name of FLT file to be created (required)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a SAVEALL, --saveall SAVEALL
                        This option will create a different file for each
                        grain in the Grain Spotter output file. File naming
                        will be newFLT-GrainXXX.flt. Default is Default is