====== ExtractEulerAngles.py ======
The script ''timelessExtractEulerAngles.py'' is part of the [[software:timelesstools|TIMEleSS tools]]. It converts results from [[software:grainspotter|GrainSpotter]] to a format which [[software:mtex|MTeX]] can read. Therefore, it extracts the Euler angles (phi1, Phi, phi2) from the //.log// file created by GrainSpotter and writes them into a text file.
timelessExtractEulerAngles -h
usage: timelessExtractEulerAngles [options] input.log
Reads an indexing log file and generates a set of Euler angles for plotting
with MTex This is part of the TIMEleSS project http://timeless.texture.rocks
positional arguments:
input Path and file name of the indexing log file (required)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file (.txt file). Default is euler_angles.txt
The output will be a text file with a list of Euler angles. First column is phi1, second column is Phi, third column is phi2.
Example for 5 grains:
-31.88 273.49 206.05
-55.09 133.91 157.65
83.39 235.30 204.46
-47.58 78.99 149.71
-60.87 17.28 33.07